Custom Foot Casting
Foot Casting Methods
Orthotic Express is truly a customized experience for all and taking the casts of the feet is no different. We have cutting edge digital tech in place which gives us the ability to scan the feet with 3D Optical Scanners and an iPad. We also have the ability to capture the shape of the feet using Bio Foam Impression boxes. We can even mold the feet using the Bio Foam Impression boxes and then scan the foam impressions into the system.
Whether we scan your feet (positive mold) or scan the bio foam impressions (negative mold) the software saves your casts into our system digitally. We receive calls daily from patients asking if we can make another pair of custom orthotics for them because they are tired of moving them back and forth between numerous pairs of shoes. We can duplicate the Custom Foot Orthotic order exactly or we can make changes such as making the new pair with more cushioning or we could make another pair using thinner materials for dress casual shoes, golf shoes, cleats, etc.
We may prefer to cast a particular foot shape one way and patients that have been diagnosed with a particular foot ailment may get casted another. Our attention to detail is expressed by using certain casting methods or techniques for your individual case. Since we do so many custom foot orthotics we have developed proprietary methodologies that we feel produces a better product and in the end a better outcome for you, the patient.
Bio Foam Impressions & 3D Optical Scanning